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Code of Conduct


TBC supports the principle that every person; spectator, surfer, club member, participant, administrator, coach, parent or member of the community involved with the sport should work to ensure the following.

  • Respect is shown towards others,
  • Respect is shown to the club.
  • Respect and protect the environmental values of the venue.
  • Respect is shown towards the broader community.
  • A safe an inclusive environment for all.
  • Elimination of violent and abusive behavior.
  • Protection from sexual harassment or intimidation.

People who fail to meet these standards may be subject to action by the TBC Committee.
The following Codes of Conduct give further specific direction on the standards of behavior expected to all people involved in the club, namely administrators, competitors, officials, parents and spectators.

TBC expects all members, parents, spectators and volunteers to abide by the following Codes of Conduct.

  • Not knowingly discriminate against, abuse, harass, ridicule or embarrass anyone covered by this code of conduct.
  • Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others.
  • Treat all persons with respect, dignity and proper regard for their rights and obligations.
  • Respect the privacy of other persons.
  • Act at all times in a fair and sporting manner and in such a way as to ensure good relations within and between participants and other organizations.
  • Not engage in excessive sledging during competition.
  • Refrain from any form of victimization towards others.
  • Ensure that under aged members and participants are accompanied and supervised during TBC organized events and functions.
  • Conduct themselves in a proper manner to the complete satisfaction of TBC and its sponsors, so as not to bring themselves or TBC into public disrepute.
  • Not promote, or pass on, exchange or publish information whereby that information may be considered confidential, offensive, scandalous, unsubstantiated or potentially damaging towards the club or its members.
  • Understand the possible consequences of breaching the TBC Codes of Conduct.
  • Immediately report any breaches of the TBC Codes of Conduct to an appropriate committee member.

TBC competitors will.

  • At all times act in a sporting manner, having regard to principles of fairness and common courtesy.
  • Control their temper, Verbal abuse of officials and sledging other competitors, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviors in our sport.
  • Respect the rights and dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their ability, gender or cultural background.
  • Refrain from making bullying derogatory or demeaning remarks about other people.
  • Participate for their own enjoyment and benefit, not to please others.
  • Not discriminate against, abuse, or harass anyone else.
  • Never argue with an official.
  • Abide by the rules of competition as determined by TBC.


  • Remember that children participate in sport for their own enjoyment, not yours.
  • Encourage children to participate, do not force them.
  • Focus on a child’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.
  • Encourage children always to compete according to the rules and settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence.
  • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
  • Respect officials’ decisions and teach children to do likewise.
  • Show appreciation of volunteers, officials and administrators. Without them your child could not participate.
  • Respect the rights, dignity, and worth of every person, regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  • Remember that children learn best by example.

Spectators will:

  • Remember that people participate in sport for their enjoyment and benefit, not yours.
  • Respect the decisions of officials, and teach young people to do the same.
  • Condemn the use of violence in any form, whether it is by spectators, officials or competitors.
  • Encourage participants to follow the rules and the official’s decisions.
  • Not use foul language, sledge, or harass competitors, fellow spectators or officials.